Friday, August 14, 2009

Mood Swing

So last night I was extremely irritated...I haven't been in that mood for a long time now. Something has changed through my eyes, or so it seems like it, to me at least. She acts different towards me and it's pissing me off. I was so frustrated last night that I even used the "F" word and you'll know that I'm mad when I use the "F" word. I thought things were going to go back to the way things were but all she does now is insult me like there's no tomorrow. Her sarcasm is starting to get really aggravating because it's all she does. Even though she did insult me back then, I was cool with it. It was all fun and jokes, but now it doesn't even seem like that. Maybe it's all me...maybe I'm the one that is ticked off for little things like this. Maybe it is I that needs to cool down. I just don't know...


WonThanh said...

its cool dude, like nationwide, i am on your side. Against you know who.