Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dream-mas-tastic v.2

Hey look! It's been one year since I've been on this thing! Maybe I should start it back up? Let people read about my embarrassing stories? Whatever the case, I'll see how I feel about getting back into this after I write this one entry. I had a very interesting dream today and I loved it so much cause I slept rally well and wanted it to continue so I just now woke up at 1 pm. It was something like the Selena Gomez dream I had 1 year ago but this was much longer and I could almost recall everything that happened in it.

It was just a normal day as me and one of my friends went to the mall to shop. The funny part is that I don't even know who my friend is! But in my dream he was my friend. So as we were shopping, I saw this dude named Brendon. He's apparently a huge black dude back in high school that I know of....(Like how I made black in bold? LOL) Well he's not exactly who I know personally, but I know who he is. Oh and also, I don't know of a Brendon is in real life, he's just real in my imaginary dream haha. For some reason, I wanted to avoid him so I went to the weights aisle to lift some o_O. No idea why I did that. While I was there, I saw a 50lb dumbbell and again! I have no idea how I did it but I was lifting that s**t! Oh gawd I'm so Amazing hahahaha! Yeah..... while I was lifting, I used my peripherals to check if Brendon was walking near me for 5 mins.
Yes...finally....he was gone. So this was the beginning of my dream. Really random right? But this is where my dream really starts kicking.
My friend just suddenly ditched me for his girlfriend cause she was there at the mall too. This is when I decided to walk by myself and not be the third wheel. As I was walking, I bumped into one of my old friends, Lauren, back in high school. She was a girl that I had a small crush on for like 2 weeks. What a random bump it was as I asked her to come with me for some coffee/tea. From there, we started catching up cause it's been such a long time since we've talked. After coffee, we started walking around together since we didn't have anyone to hangout with. As we were walking, I have no idea why I did this but started moving my hand closer to her hands and eventually, we held hands =O I was like WTF she doesn't mind?! WOW but yeah, it felt really nice cause it seems like we're on a date and everything. I started falling for her as time went by. Everything felt so real! I still didn't know that I was dreaming at this point. I was really happy cause I thought it was really happening for real! As we were getting closer to each other, I suddenly had to take a piss! >< FML! I told her to wait at this certain spot for me so I can go to the little boys room. As I was doing my business I heard these Hispanics arguing it out like CRAZY! I was kinda worried so I ran out to see what was wrong while I was in the middle of leaking! Geez. So when I went out, I saw these three dudes yelling in each others faces. It looked like they were about to get into a fight so I ran over to Lauren and moved her to a different spot so she wouldn't be near the fight. Since I ran out of the bathroom in the middle of pissing, I couldn't hold it in anymore so I told her to wait again and ran back in the bathroom to finish the job. The yelling stopped outside so I wasn't worried anymore. I washed my hands and went out again and saw that no one was around..... No one was in the area I was in... I now was extremely worried cause Lauren wasn't here either! I thought to myself, "What if those 3 Hispanic dudes have to do something about it!" I stated walking down the wall slowly looking into each store from the outside to check for Lauren. She was no where to be seen! T__T I continued walking forward and I saw posters with messages on them. I don't remember what they said on it but there were more as I continued down the mall. I could remember the last message though. It said, " Phil, it was nice to see you again but...." and that's all it said =( I wanted to know more so I continued on. About a half hour past by and I thought I saw her! I walked up to the bookstore that I thought I saw her in and YEP! It was her! I was glad that she was safe but why did she leave me? I wanted to know! So i waited at the window until she came by cause the door was locked on the outside. As she came by, I knocked on the window so that she could notice me. She did and it looked like she wanted to pretend like she didn't see me. I didn't want it to be like that so I repeatedly continued to knock until she would come to me. She eventually did and we talked through the glass.

Lauren: Hi Phil
Me: Why did you leave me all of the sudden?! I was really worried!
Lauren: Well you see....
Me: what?
Lauren: I was beginning to really like you but I didn't want to get hurt >< Me: WHAT?! WHY?!
Lauren: Because I was scared that you didn't like me back and that things might not work out if anything happened.

I had my hand placed over my head on the glass. I didn't know that she felt this way about me, but I told her that I was falling for her as well. She had a happy look on her face when I told her that so I pulled up my courage and told her, " If you're fine with it, We can make things work =)......Will you be my girlfriend?" She told me "NO GTFO you stupid asian! Why would I go out with someone like you?! What the hell! You're Crazy!" lolol I kid. But anyways, she slowly placed her hand indirectly on my hand through the glass and said "yes". She quickly ran out of the bookstore and we gave each other a hug. I dunno who is reading this but IT WAS A REALLY GOOD FEELING OK?! though my dream sounds corny, I LIKE IT! Hahaha. Everything still felt really real and I really thought it was real! Until.... I started waking up after that! ><>NOOO!!! But at least it was 7 hours of good sleep for once and that I woke up feeling really good.
*Laura and Jan will probably be reading this and be "LMFAO" like they did with my older posts! >=O

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year

A lot has happened during these 2 months. I stopped updating and thought about quitting blogger but it seems that my friends are still updating. Good bye to 2009; a wonderful year and hello to 2010! Hope this year's gonna be exciting like 2009. Winter break is coming to an end as I have school tomorrow...bleh...but atleast i get Fridays off.

Winter Break was fun and boring as well. The stupid snow made it hard to do anything and trapped me inside my house. I eventually got a new furniture, computer, and tv! My room's cool as ever. It's like an otaku's room with awesome entertainment kinda. I've drawn new pics which you can see on myanimelist. I drew 5 poster board size clannad pics for the new year.

Got straight As this semester:
Intro to computers or w/e - A
World history 1 - A
intro to telecommunications - A
English 111- A

Don't feel like updating anymore so I'll end it here.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Getting/eating candy for Halloween is a tradition but this year, it was buffalo wings instead. Such a gloomy day it was as it rained all day and night. I played some rain tennis with Tyler, Riley, and Chris around 3 and finished around 5 something. Trung came a bit late and didn't get to play because it started raining harder. Off to my house it was to chill as we wait for Thanh to come from work.


More like another tennis match but on the xbox because that is all we play. Anyways Thanh came and we decided to go to The Buffalo Wing Factory. Got there around 9ish and came back around 10 something. We ordered 40 wings and 20 huge chicken fingers but Tyler had his own shyt. The price came out to be $87? I forgot but I paid $8 which i should've paid $12. Thank you Thanh and Chris.

This is probably the hottest sauce that I have ever tasted. This is not a sauce to spice up your food. Its more like a sauce that kills your taste bud. It's so hot that you need to sign a waiver to eat 10 flatliner wings. The man that ate 50.... I don't even know if he's human. Anyhow Trung, Chris, and Tyler stayed until 3 in the morning trying out that deadly ass sauce. Jessica came as well but left around 12 because she was dead tired. The order went from Tyler going first, then Trung, Chris and me. This was NO PUSSY SAUCE. Tyler took a tiny, I repeat, tiny dip and put it on his tongue and Trung as well. It was Chris's turn after. He did something so unbelievable! He was crazy enough to put 1/2 of his finger in and put it all in his mouth. Like wtf? It was over. He sweated, drooled, cried, turned red, couldn't breath well, BURNED UP, and w/e else. I did the same but only 1/3 of my finger and I was in PAIN. I was jumping around, putting shyt load of ice in my mouth, and had tears running down. It was the worst pain my taste buds have ever had. Everything I breath, it was more painful. I couldn't tolerate it...I just couldn't. Minutes later, Chris decided to take 1/2 of a spoon full. Who in their right minds would do such a thing? Well Tyler should upload the video sometime so you can watch it on there. It was basically 2x worse that 1/2 a finger. It was 3 when they left my house but daylight savings kicked in so it was actually 2. I was too tired to do anything afterward, so it was off to bed for me. The end for Halloween.

~A Fairy Tail fan art I made. It took 6 hours

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

I haven't been updating at all! A lot has happened these 2 weeks that I haven't updated but i'll only talk about this weekend which was the fall break that I had.
On Thursday, Andre came back from Vtech to get some tennis in with Thanh, Chris, and I. It was great as how I didn't play well when he came back buttttt oh well. Anyhow on friday I left my class early because there was no point in being there. I left around 1 to go pick up Andre at Edison and came back to my place. Denis came and picked us up to go to Maryland(Tina's house) which took like freaking 35 or so minutes. I didn't realize how long it would take to get there so I took a power nap on the way. When we got there, we went to this mall/plaza place thingy...I dunno...I don't live there, to get some food. We ended up getting some California ...something... it was like Chipotle ok? I ended up spending around $8 for food there. After we ate, we went to 5 and below. I found the coolest sushi candles ever for only a buck so I just had to get it. On our way to a party city like place! Looking at costumes and what not, Jean got freaked out because of umm *read Andre's blog* and yeah! Denis drove us back to Tina's park and we just hung out there for a bit; doing random things. Like I said, read Andre's blog about this because he'd already wrote about this. Anyways, we said our good byes and us guys were supposed to have a guys night Hooters! Except for Denis that is because his mom had already made dinner for him. Blah blah blah, it took a while for us to get there but we got there around 7 something. Thanh, Trung, Chris, Andre, and I ordered 50 wings(Edited from 30 due to my mistake pointed out by Thanh), some tatter tots, and these tiny ribs.Thanh and Chris ordered these 6 mini burgers also. We talked about stuff, had some laughs, looked at cough girls there, and ate. It was time to get some night tennis down but we didn't play for long. Trung and Thanh went home instead of playing. That was a good idea seeing how we only played for like 30 minutes or so. I came home pretty late and just ended my day watching anime until I fell asleep. *We'll see Andre in another month.

On Saturday it was another day for early tennis. Thanh, Chris, Alan, Edgar, and I played some tennis at South center. We went to 7-11 after and got some slurpees and headed on over to Thanh's courts to play some more tennis. Chris had a screaming contest with some of these little munchkins on the court and we threw around a baseball. Later, we headed over to my place to get some gaming down. Tyler came over with his ps3 and we just i dunno, chilled. Thanh left early as he mainly just went there to eat my sister's baking. Baseball came to mind once again so we ventured over to Tyler's place to see if he had any baseball equipment. It seemed like he did so we took the equipments. We head on over to Wal-mart to see if they had a left handed mitt. No luck there so Tyler just had to use his junior mitt. We called up Alan and threw the baseball at lane. The end for Saturday

On Sunday..I forgot what happened so Imma skip that day. I'm actually skipping a lot because I forgot what happened on what day. I finished my baseball anime which is 129 episodes in only 1 week so I was sad after I finished it. It was really good but now I miss it.

On Monday, It was another day for Tennis. Thanh, Tyler, Alan, Edgar, Trung, Riley, these 2 other Asian guys, and I played tennis at South Center. It was a doubles sensation. Thanh and I were victorious against our 1st match between Tyler and Alan(6-1). We moved onto our 2nd match which was against Trung and Riley(6-2). Last but not least, we vsed against these 2 Asian guys(6-2). Went to 7-11 after that and went home to play some left 4 dead. The end for Monday.

Today was GAY! I didn't really do anything today because everyone had school. At 4:45 Alan and Tyler called me up to play some tennis. I just woke up and was still dazed. This is where it gets gay, I was pulled over by the police for going a little over 40 on a 35 I got a warning ticket. He told me that I was very polite and told me to watch out next time. ARGG usually I would be EXTREMELY nervous if that happened but since I just woke up and was still dazed, I didn't give a crap. Once I got there, Riley, Tyler, Edgar, and Alan was already playing but Riley left soon after because he was still sick. We played around for a bit and I left to go home but before that, I stopped by 7-11 once again to get domo's fuji apple slurpee. It's so freaking good! I also want to get domo's shirt which is $11 but I dunno. Umm and nothing else happened except that I have to study for a 50 question midterm that only has short answers. BLAH! The end.
Quote of the fall break was when we were playing tennis on thursday evening when Chris said " OHHHH MYYY GODDDD!!!" before Thanh was about to smash, so he screw up. (Check out the worst acting videos on youtube and you'll know what I'm talking about. It's freaking hilarious).

Monday, September 21, 2009


AGHHHH today has to be the WORST day that I've had since whenever!!!

  • I left my portable harddrive in my's probably gone by now >=O I had everything in there from my music, pics, games, videos, work...
  • I got a bad grade on my test
  • I had a test tomorrow
SCREW LIFE!!! Like wtf?
I hope I find my harddrive tomorrow, I hope I go well on my test, and lets hope I have a good day. The End!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too Korean

This weekend's population was infested with Koreans. On Saturday morning, I hung out with the boys to go see what was happening at k-fest(korean fest). I actually went to check it out on friday after school but they were still setting everything up so I left. So this is how it went...Denis drove us to Annandale where it was taking place. He parked behind K-mart and as we were walking towards the event, Trung yells out random made up "korean" word/sounds. It was really funny but it was also extremely embarrassing to be around him. Once we've entered, a woman confronted thanh and handed him a filer thingy and Thanh said something in korean. I was like uhhh "da hell?"....Really Korean now Thanh. Oh yeah! There were a lot of cute girls here and there. We walked around the place like twice and decided to ditch it and go eat at IL Mee. It's a Korean buffet with Korean bbq and sushi. The food at k-fest was too expensive and we could get a lot more at the buffet for $15 per person. We jay walked across the street and went in. Trung thought that the buffet was somewhere else but it was right in front of us -_-
He also made a fool out of himself because since he was yelling out random made up Korean words, the waitress started talking to us in Korean. Trung then said " "uhh English please? in a rude tone." We started laughing like crazy and she said oh sorry sorry and laughed with us. The food that we grill was great but the hot foods were okay. This was the first time that I actually ate sushi like it was nothing because I hated sushi. I couldn't stand the fact of eating raw fish but I wanted to practice. It wasn't that bad actually.

We talked, ate, had a good time, and left. We decided to check out k-fest again so we walked to it again. As were were walking around, this woman approached me pointing at the magazine that I was holdingand asked me something in Korean. I had no idea what she was asking me but I told her " I'm sorry, I don't speak Korean." Maybe it was because I was wearing my fedora (hat) that made her think that I was part of the event handing out magazines. The second time we went around, we saw this Korean guy trying to hand out fliers to little kids XD. It was life insurance...I don't think that's legal hahaha. And then this old Korean dude shook Thanh's hand and held onto it for like 5 seconds before he let go. I was like wtf? I walked passed him too and he also gave me a hand shake and held onto me.... Man was that freaky... I didn't understand what he said because it was also in Korean... Screw this, we're leaving cuse it was boring. Nothing was happening during that time because everything "cool" was happening later but Denis and Thanh couldn't stay until then.

~Wow, how many times did I say Korean?

I wanted to visit a place called Starland since I've never been there before. It's an Anime/game store. So on the way back, Denis drove us there BUT starland was no longer there! aww sad face. Anyways continuing. We came back to my house and left again to play a little tennis until 4. I laughed more at the tennis courts than I've laughed for the entire month. I dunno why I laughed that much but only Trung and Thanh saw. It was Trung's action that made me laugh. We played a doubles game and Denis left. I couldn't play anymore because of my arm so I left as well.

When I got home, I ate a few crabs and took a nap for like 2 hours. I woke up at 7:14 and started watching sky high on Disney channel. I decided to visit Tyler at Robeks because I was really bored. I came in at 8:45 as they were closing. He gave me my smoothies and I chilled there for a little. Ring Ring... my sister called me asking for a ride from K-fest. Wth? She stayed there since 5 and wanted a ride back at this time? I wanted to there to see what was happening around this time at k-fest but I found out that it ends at 10. Tyler was disappointed because he had work and couldn't go. I was going to have him tag along picking up my sister and her friend but I didn't go because there was no point. My parents went to pick her up instead.

I stayed home and ate the rest of the remaining crabs while watching Underdog on T.V. After that, I played L4D (Left 4 Dead) for the remaining time of my night with Chris, Tyler, Thanh, and Kenny. We played Versus and it was very difficult because Thanh, Tyler, and I had no experience playing versus. L4D's very interesting/fun again because we download new modded maps to play on. Though, we kinda found out too late because L4D 2 is coming out soon. Oh well, still fun. Game over and I went to bed after watching 2 episodes of Anime. During the night, I had an extremely bad stomach ache. I woke up around 4 due to pain and rubbed some Bengay on my stomach to relieve the pain. It might be because of all of the food I ate today. I might have eaten too much Korean food, sushi( the raw fish), and crabs for my own good. I went back to sleep straight away after that.

  • Cannot wait for Selena's new album coming out next week on the 29th. 1 song is played on Radio Disney everyday throughout the week before the release of her album. Too bad I don't listen to Radio Disney so I'll just listen to it on youtube when it comes out per day.
  • I'll upload the painted I did next post that I made 3 weeks ago.
Such a Korean weekend eh? What's bad about today is that I went to eat a buffet for a birthday. It's bad because I just went to a buffet yesterday. My stomach won't be able to handle this if I were to go to another buffet tomorrow. What's funny is that I wrote more on this entry than I did on my paper for English.

So the quote of the week was when we were playing tennis and Trung was like: "I've been out of shampoo for a month now" *scratches his head*

Monday, September 7, 2009

Woah It's September!

Ahhh where to start? I decided that I would just blog once a week now. It's labor day weekend! and when it's done, kids go back to school! I don't really feel like typing much in this entry so Imma just bullet what has happened.

Alright so lets go back like 2 weeks from now..
(Not in order)

  • I got my PC back finally and I installed 2 more rams into it! So freaking awesome. I've been tokboxing it up like there's no tomorrow.
  • Watched Wizards of Waverly Place the movie and Legally Blondes
  • Got through my 2nd week of school
  • Went bowling again and SUCKED big time. Went with Marvin, Trung, Chris, and Jessica
  • Got a new desk woohoo! everything's so much more organized
  • Cleaned up my room
  • Played tennis like every single freaking day
  • Finished my canvas painting ( I'll post that up in my next entry)
  • Got Boys like Girls new album, "Love Drunk"
  • Went to a new international market in Centerville.
  • Tried pork rinds for the first time
  • I can finally type fluently without looking at the keyboard
  • I got this awesome Japanese shirt from my sister's, friend's dad at the Japan airport.
  • I also had this crazy ass dream where I met all of the Disney channel crew and did stuff with them. I slept pretty early and didn't wake up until 11:59 because of it.
Other than that, everyday has been just same old. School to tennis to rest to chatting it up to sleep.

What I am planning to do in the upcoming whenever:
  • Get Selena's new album on September 29th!
  • Making some new friends
  • Drawing something new I guess
  • *Cough, Cough* And get an autograph from you know who =)
Quote of the day when we were playing tennis.
Edgar got hit in the balls by Alan and he said " Oh man... you hit the dragon..."